Sunday, August 29, 2010

Don't worry-he's actually moderate

Just a super quick comic I made based on an event that happened today. I had both a democratic and republican door-to-door people come to my house today to talk about their candidate. With both, after they said their political affiliation, they both assured that their candidate is actually moderate and thus, this comic was born.

Note-I wish I had spent more time on this, the inking is not my best. Alas, next time....

Thursday, August 12, 2010

San Francisco Life Drawings

Here are some not so boring life drawings from my recent trip to San Francisco. I'm pretty pleased with how most of these turned out-life drawings is one of the most enjoyable art things I like to do and I'm glad I'm back in the groove of doing it more consistently.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Prague Life Drawing

I promise less boring things than life drawing for the next few posts, but here's just a small bit of the life drawing I did out there. Though I'm showing more of the landscape drawings/watercolors, I did way more people drawing out here but I know that's kind of boring to look at...I just upload it because I enjoy doing it so much.

And a note for the watercolors and landscape stuff...all mostly very simplified/rushed cause I had to stop when my family wanted to leave. Oh gawd, sounds like I'm making excuses for I'm not going for that.

Also, Prague was awesome. And it sparked something in me that's been dead(or at least dormant) artistically speaking.

Okay, enough rambling, now let's go...drawings!

The ones on the right are memory drawings. Bottom left drawing is me(saw myself in a reflection).

Courtyard of Prague Castle
Part of a Starbucks.
Simplified Karlstejn Castle
From the Tereizin Ghetto(specifically, right across the museum)
View from Petrin Hill