I'm currently dogsitting an adorable Akita named Sanji. Having never drawn an Akita, I just had try drawing her. I've done some drawing in my sketchbook, but here a few that I did on photoshop. Expect to see more these...probably.
Just some sketches I've done within the past month on photoshop when I needed to take a break from animating. Mostly have been turning to one of two things-lions or fashion.
Just part of the Argentine tango I'm animating for fun because it is currently my favorite ballroom dance-it's so passionate and tells so much story in a strong subtle way that's different than other romantic ballroom dances out there. And there's something about the Argentine tango that's different than the tango that I like about it....not sure what exactly but it's different somehow. I think I started to capture the movement of this dance but not the essence or the emotion tied to this style of dance. Hopefully as I continue to work on this, that will come out.
Okay so another rough animation post. This scene is missing some special effects animation(which I shall do later) and the timing needs to be slightly tweaked, but it's close.
The cats like to hang around whoever is up late at night(which is always me), so I put one of the dog beds by my computer so they'd have somewhere comfy to hang with me that wasn't my lap/shoulders(cause it makes it difficult to work). Anyways, while animating tonight, I glanced over my shoulder and they were both sleeping in the dog bed...how could I not take a break to draw that?